Auto clicker
Writing an auto clicker
Work goes on
and I still did not forget my site!
Moved to XHTML 1.0 Transitional
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What programs did we use to generate this page?

This site consists completely of HTML and CSS code. JavaScript is used only where nothing bad happens if it doesn't work. To make life easier, we use a preprocessor program called PPWizard, written by Dennis Bareis. With this program, you can predefine fragments, design your own macros and in fact create a complete content management system that can make website maintenance and changes very easy.
We used Impos/2 by Compart to edit the Images.
We tried to avoid using tables for styling the page, instead we made use of CSS and floating boxes. This makes the page viewable in textmode and in graphics mode browerser. It's mainly tested in Mozilla on OS/2, but it should work when using Internet Explorer, too. Opera renders the CSS pretty good.

Valid XHTML 1.0!Valid CSS!
Outfile: site_gen.en.html
Built: 2 Aug 2006 21:45:02
Last modified: Mon Jan 9 2006 at 5:16:08pm